Thursday, February 27, 2014

Dashed Dreams and Future

So…when you were a kid…what did you want to be?
I mean before life smacked you in the face and things got real…what were your dreams?
To be a doctor, fire fighter, painter, architect… as a child it seemed like you could be anything you set your mind too!!
What happened to that?
As we grow up…life, responsibilites, family, etc seem to loom larger and larger and kinda hold us down. not necessarily a bad thing, especially if one of your dreams fall into the catagory of where life is taking you.
But what if that is not the case? What if you but those childish dreams in a cage in the back of your head and threw away the key?
There is still time!
Now…to be realistic…I don’t think anyone can be Superman or Batman. But what is to stop you from becoming a doctor, fire fighter, painter, architect, or whatever else you always had a dream of being?
As I said in an early blog (really kinda getting to like that kinda sounds cool) we only live once…and the fatality rate is 100% to this lifetime. Why not do what we want to? I mean…in the end…this is our life right? Not someones else’s to build their dream and hold us down. All of us, yes including you, have the ability to be whatever we want.
We see it time and time again of people achieving their dreams and becoming the person who they want to be. Well here is an amazing thought…they are no different then you or I. They still have to…as they say…put their pants on one leg at a time, you know? They have to eat, breath, sleep, shower, go to restroom, etc like us. They are human…we are all human. All I am saying is, why not be the best human you can be?
Anything holding you back can be overcome if you put your mind to it!

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