Sunday, March 2, 2014

Time flies...still going Strong?

So today is March 2nd. We are already a full 2 months and a day into the year of 2014.

What the hell ?!

Where does time go!!

It feels like yesterday we were saying "Happy New Year" and talking about our New Years Resolutions. Wow...before we know it, Easter will be here (which is right around the corner), then summer, Thanksgiving, really seems like time flies! (Think they already have Christmas stuff out at the

Speaking of those are they going for you? Still going strong?

It seems like every year, it is the same old thing.

We get pumped up at the beginning of the year...make some goals and Resolutions to get accomplished (this will be THE year!!!) then as life continues forward, we get lost in the daily routine. To give us credit tho, usually life is full of a lot of crap that does not even pertain to what our Resolutions were about.

So...if you still have those goals in mind and are working on them, then I applaud you. Good job!! Nothing feels better than to stay on track with something and get it accomplished. Hopefully you still feel about those Resolutions like you did on day one...and want to succeed with them more than ever!

But the tough part is coming up.

The rest of the year!!

For most people...the beginning of the year (well at least up to now) is a breeze. Of course you have life happening...but usually we can handle all that plus some. But now we start getting into big holidays and know, stuff like that. The year seems to start getting a little bit (or a lot) more chaotic...and times seems to fly by even faster.

So now is the time to "readjust the sails, and steady the course" to speak.

Take a few minutes..or longer time would be even go over your New Years Resolutions, tweak them if needed, and renew your focus and commitment on them.

Obviously you know that you can accomplish them...and you want to accomplish them...or you would have never made them. (I keep saying them, with the assumption that you made more than one Resolution....yes, I know what they say about assuming....but I feel pretty confident in saying that most people make more than one Resolution).

So now is the time to kick it up a notch, get back on track...and kick those Resolutions in the ass!!

Because, as you know...time flies!

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