Friday, April 11, 2014

Easy Financial Freedom THIS YEAR

How I...and You...will get Financial Freedom this Year...True Story !!

So I got involved with a part time business 
that I am VERY EXCITED about. 
The Benefits are AMAZING...
and the pay is INCREDIBLE.
Plus, by telling a few about it...
you could be receiving a RESIDUAL CHECK
next month...
for $100's or even $1,000's.

There are people in this business...
that are making  $2,000, $4,000, $8,000
within a few months.

Here, check out these videos 
for a good explanation of what it is..

If you are like me...
after watching that you think, 
Well, click --> link <-- to enroll at 
(get Platinum Package (middle) when prompted)
and call/text me as you are doing it
(409)392-6381 or Facebook message me --> here <--
also you can email me at

For my detailed explanation about it, read below...

I'll explain it here. 
It is basically a VIP membership where you get discounts and savings on everything. That is the whole reason I looked into it....the taxbot thingy they have is amazing. And that is not the only thing that is awesome. From car rentals, to coupons, language learning (think Rosetta stone) to identity theft protection, marketplace to shop cheaper to cell phone discount....there is ALOT of good stuff with this VIP membership.
Now...for that VIP membership, it cost $99.95 monthly. I am to the point now, after checking out all the benefits and all (and I am sure I haven't looked into them all) that I WOULD pay that monthly for this. It is bad ass. Well....that being said....they have a way how you can get it for free monthly. You refer 3...and it basically becomes free. Pretty cool right? Even better then that...when those 3 refer 3 (because everyone wants the membership for free huh?) you get paid $600 in Residual Income.

Personally I fell in love with the VIP membership.
It cost $100.. by referring 3 to it, it becomes free.
By helping them also get it for free...
I get paid.

SO why not? 
Now I believe in morals and integrity. Like Jim Rohn says..I have bent over so much for my team that I almost died. lol. If I have a team, we should ALL become matter what...right?
Which is another thing I like about Wake Up Now.  
There is a feature in our HUB (HUB is like our back office where we do everything) that is called waiting room. People that join your organization go into your waiting room. Then you can place them anywhere you want in your organization.
With the company's compensation plan being built on 3 that get can see how this would benefit THE WHOLE TEAM. A picture of compensation plan is below this explanation. If possible, let's talk about it on phone - (409)392-6381 or Facebook message me --> HERE <-- 

A company is only as good as the people who run it. Hear the message from the CEO of Wake Up Now -

I need money NOW....and this an amazing way to get it...RESIDUALLY (every month). With the way things are going (and I started beginning of April) My May Residual check will be between 600 - 1000 or soooo and it will quickly go up from there. 
I truly do believe in this. Call me lets talk
here is my link -
That is $600 monthly income Club

Thursday, April 10, 2014

WUN Easy Compensation Plan

How would an extra $600 Per Month sound to you?

( See full story and explanation about business - HERE )

I know what you are saying right now.. “Thats not money you could retire on!” You are right $600 per month may not be retirement money but this is only the beginning, this is merely our FIRST RANK within WakeUpNow....and easily achieved the first month...if not the first few day!! 
There is no limit to the kind of money you can and will be making with us, but it requires you to take that first step in getting started. 
WakeUpNow Founder 3
The commission money you see above from WakeUpNow (WUN) is not just a one time payment… These commissions are being payed out to me EVERY MONTH. It is proven that if the majority of most American households had an extra $600 per month that would save them filing bankruptcy. Now is the time to make that change.

( See full story and explanation about business - HERE )

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

No ' I ' in Can't & No Can't in ' I '

Yep, the title and picture are right! 

There is no 'I' in can't....and no can't in 'I'.

Of course you can see that when you spell it. 

For me, I do not use or like that word...and feel offended when someone does use it or applies it to me. Actually, it does not even register in my vocabulary...

I love when Edna, my stepdaughter, comes to me and says... 

"I can't do this, or I can't do that.."

I just kinda look at her and say, 

"what did you say? I do not understand that". 

She knows by now to not use that word 'can't' in our house or with me.

I guess that forbidden word
(I will not say it any more, I have already said it too much in this blog)
suggests to me that you already have a notion in your head that you are not able to do something. If you haven't done it do you know if you can or cannot do it? It is like you have already given up the battle by saying that forbidden word!!

Instead, why not say 'I CAN'. There is power in thinking that you CAN do something. We CAN do anything we put our minds to. The only person stopping us is OURSELF.

So, the next time you hear someone say that forbidden word...

Let them know that there is no 'I' in can't !!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Baked Fish Fillets with Mushroom Stuffing

Baked Fish Fillets with Mushroom Stuffing

 Baked Fish Fillets with Mushroom Stuffing

  Serves 3-4

 4 large Dover sole fillets, skinned
 8 oz (225 g) dark-gilled mushrooms, finely chopped
 1 oz (25 g) butter
 1 tablespoon oil
 1 small onion, finely chopped
 freshly grated nutmeg
 1 level tablespoon finely chopped parsley
 5 fl oz (150 ml) dry white wine or cider
 2 level tablespoons plain flour
 5 fl oz (150 ml) milk
 lemon juice
 1 tablespoon double cream
 salt and freshly milled black pepper
To garnish:
 few sprigs watercress
 Pre-heat the oven to gas mark 4, 350ºF (180ºC).
First of all melt half the butter and all the oil together in a pan and fry the onion gently until soft and golden.

Add the mushrooms and cook until all the juices have evaporated and the remaining mixture is a dryish, spreadable paste – this will probably take about 20 minutes.

Remove from the heat, season with salt, pepper and nutmeg, then transfer all but 2 tablespoons of the mixture to a basin and mix with the parsley.

Next cut the fish fillets in half lengthways and spread an equal quantity of the mushroom mixture on the skinned side of each piece. Roll up the fillets from the head to the tail end and place closely together in a baking dish.

Pour in the wine or cider, place a piece of buttered silicone paper (parchment) directly on top of the fish and bake in the oven for 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, melt the remaining butter in a saucepan, blend in the flour and cook for 2 minutes, stirring continuously. When the fish is ready, transfer it to a warmed serving dish, using a draining spoon; cover and keep warm.

Now add the cooking liquid to the butter and flour mixture, beating all the time to get a smooth sauce, and also blend in the milk.

Then bring to boiling point, stirring all the time, add the remaining mushroom mixture, season with salt, pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice and stir in the cream.

Pour over the fish and serve garnished with watercress.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Time & Urgency

So this morning I had an early conversation with fellow Ambit team member.

Yes, it was early..probably before 7am. What is the saying...'Early bird catches the worm'?
Well that applies to Network Marketing as well..bird being you, and worm being success. So I guess that way would go something like this - "Early you catches success"? Dam, that sounds terrible..but you know what I am talking about. Get up early and make stuff happen in your business!!

Anyways..sorry I became side tracked (please bare with me...that seems to happen a lot, lol).

The conversation this morning was of course about growing his Ambit part time business. The conversation seemed to focus on a few words...

Time and Urgency......

Now, this fellow team member has a long commute to his J.O.B. everyday. So, he has a huge decal on the back window of his car, advertising his part time business. Nothing wrong with that...and I think it is a fine idea to get people to ask you about your part time business...or what that big sticker on your call is all about. his case, it has been working. Very well, with I think something like 3 calls in 3 days. Of course they ask what it is all about, and he sends them to the website with business presentation....and waits for them to call him.

Now, as in anything, try to see it through their (the prospect) eyes. They have shown interest, and now have  a website to their discretion. As you know, life happens. So...I am sure that they mean to watch the video, or visit the website as soon as they get a some free minutes. Unfortunately...those 'free minutes' are few and far them actually checking out the website is put off...and the level of interest is put on the back burner.

What he should do, or add to the conversation that he has with said prospect is something like -

"When would be a good time that you can sit at a computer and watch a 10min video?"
"When would you be able to watch 10min video about it?"

Get time, and then give them info or website to visit. Try to get a time set aside that they can dedicate to seeing what you have to offer. This allows you to set up 3way call for right after you know they have seen it. If anything, you can call them at the designated time and make sure that they are getting ready to watch presentation....and let them know you will be calling them back afterwards to answer questions,etc (3 way call).

Now, going back to my Ambit team member...he knows about this. And he always gets a time for them to check out business presentation...and then gives them his website.

Well, case in point. He called Andy (potential prospect) at 5:30pm...which was the designated time that they had agreed on earlier in the day. Well...and here it is happens. Something had come up, and Andy was still on his way home from work. He had not been able to check out info...but was still interested. He assured my team member that he would give him a call when he got home after he saw the info.

Did he call?? NO!!

Now, we cannot get frustrated when this happens. Here it is happens. Maybe his kids were wanting him to play and he was side tracked with family and forgot about the potential part time business that could change his future forever. Whatever happened...the opportunity is now on the back burner...and we have no idea when he will be able to see the information.


When he told my team member that he was going to go home and watch it, the response should have been something like...

"ok, cool. We are in a huge bonus right now with only a few days left..let's set up another time that you can be in front of computer to check it out...the sooner the better"
Or something like that.


Try to develop a sense of urgency to your the fate of the world depends on them (potential prospect) sitting down to see the business. Of not actually tell them that and scare them away, lol. But as you know, in I am sure in many Network Marketing companies...Bonuses are a huge factor when building your business. There is a time associated with these it should go to say that there should be a urgency getting these potential prospects to sign up right??

All in all, let's keep it simple.

1. Get a time for them to check out info

2. tell them the fate of the world depends on them seeing it as fast as possible
    Just kidding. But get them to check it out as soon as they can.

Network Marketing growth section idea...?


I want to have a certain section on my blog.

One that is totally dedicated to ideas, thoughts, motivation, etc on growing your Ambit Energy business.
(Of course, and as some of you know, these principles and thoughts can apply to any Network Marketing business...or even to life for that matter)

Believe me, I am not anywhere close to the amount of success I want to have with this company...
But I am further along and more knowledgeable than I was on day 1.

It seems that each day is a new learning experience..and sometimes it is an idea added to something that I already know, or it is just a whole new idea or concept in general.

Regardless of what it is, I want to share it and explore it!
Hopefully it will help both of us out!
Please feel free to voice your opinion, and share ideas.

One of the main lessons I have learned (and ALL successful people have this thought pattern) is that we are all in this crazy world together. Whether it is Network Marketing or life, we should all help each other out...NO MATTER WHAT!!

It does not matter if we are on the same Ambit team or not (or even the same business!). There are more than enough people out there looking for this opportunity, or any part time business to be shared with them. It is our basically our job to go out and find them!
Now...there are people that come into your world that I will never meet. There are people that I come across that you will never meet. Yes, sometimes our sphere of influence does collide...but most of the time it does not.

SO.. you can grow your business, and I can grow mine. As long as we help each other out and keep on...


It is true what they say..."Teamwork makes the Dream Work"

I hope you find this section informative, and I look forward to your comments!!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Time flies...still going Strong?

So today is March 2nd. We are already a full 2 months and a day into the year of 2014.

What the hell ?!

Where does time go!!

It feels like yesterday we were saying "Happy New Year" and talking about our New Years Resolutions. Wow...before we know it, Easter will be here (which is right around the corner), then summer, Thanksgiving, really seems like time flies! (Think they already have Christmas stuff out at the

Speaking of those are they going for you? Still going strong?

It seems like every year, it is the same old thing.

We get pumped up at the beginning of the year...make some goals and Resolutions to get accomplished (this will be THE year!!!) then as life continues forward, we get lost in the daily routine. To give us credit tho, usually life is full of a lot of crap that does not even pertain to what our Resolutions were about.

So...if you still have those goals in mind and are working on them, then I applaud you. Good job!! Nothing feels better than to stay on track with something and get it accomplished. Hopefully you still feel about those Resolutions like you did on day one...and want to succeed with them more than ever!

But the tough part is coming up.

The rest of the year!!

For most people...the beginning of the year (well at least up to now) is a breeze. Of course you have life happening...but usually we can handle all that plus some. But now we start getting into big holidays and know, stuff like that. The year seems to start getting a little bit (or a lot) more chaotic...and times seems to fly by even faster.

So now is the time to "readjust the sails, and steady the course" to speak.

Take a few minutes..or longer time would be even go over your New Years Resolutions, tweak them if needed, and renew your focus and commitment on them.

Obviously you know that you can accomplish them...and you want to accomplish them...or you would have never made them. (I keep saying them, with the assumption that you made more than one Resolution....yes, I know what they say about assuming....but I feel pretty confident in saying that most people make more than one Resolution).

So now is the time to kick it up a notch, get back on track...and kick those Resolutions in the ass!!

Because, as you know...time flies!