Thursday, February 27, 2014

Trying to Blog

So i am trying out this 'blogging' stuff.

I tried it out a few months ago...and it really just became a collection of stuff and ideas.

Which..I guess that is what 'blogging' is, huh?


I want to eventually be a writer, so that is one reason I want to get into this. Ever since I was able to, I have loved reading. Just to be able to pick up a book, and get lost in another world..I love that!! Well...I have 'all these 'worlds' (so to speak) and ideas in my head...and I need to share them!! But, I have trouble gathering my thoughts and putting them on paper. So...tada!!...'blogging' will be one of my vehicles to learn how to get my thoughts out!!

Plus, I am a cool guy..(so cool I am as cold as I like to tell my Fiance, lol...bare with will eventually learn to appreciate my humor as well.).

Anyways...I deeply appreciate you here..and promise to have some stuff on here worth reading, sharing, laughing about..all that good stuff. As I become more comfortable and familiar with it all...the posts will get better.

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